Friday, October 15, 2010

Want something else to worry about? Another nut job wants a nuke.

Hugo Chavez, crazed Anti-American leader of Venezuela, wants a nuclear reactor.  Now bear in mind, Venezuela is the world's sixth leading oil exporter and Chavez has ruined the economy so they don't need the energy.

The loco leader of Venezuela has  accused the United States of causing the earthquake in Haiti with a "tectonic weapon."  As further proof of his bad intentions,Hugo Chávez has started the biggest arms build-up in Latin America in a long time. So, he wants an offensive capability and has a fixation for weapons of mass destruction. I wander what such a guy could possibly want with a nuclear reactor.

You can tell a lot about Chavez by the rotten company he keeps:  He's not only a  fan of Fidel Castro, he is also a friend.  Chavez supported Saddam Hussein.  He received the "Higher Medal of the Islamic Republic of Iran" from Mahmud Ahmadinejad leader of Iran, yet another rabid anti-American.

Inside Venezuela, he has wrecked the economy and destroyed a free media turning  a democracy into a dictatorship. In support of his despotism, he has created a private militia that serves him directly, a million men who answer to him and not to the command of the Venezuelan army. Sounds a lot like Adolf Hitler's SS, doesn't it?

So why is Russia helping this guy build a nuclear reactor? The world is a dangerous and crazy place.

I don't want to miss the opportunity to actually agree  with Nancy Pelosi, Democratic House leader, on something: "Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern-day Simon Bolivar, but all he is is an everyday thug."

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